The author rides a 2008 Victory Vision Tour

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Invisible Motorcycle

"I didn't see you" are the words most likely spoken by the driver of a car that cuts you off, pulls in front of you, or otherwise knocks you and your motorcycle to the pavement. People don't generally do that sort of thing intentionally: They must have some special equipment in the car that temporarily blinds them. After years of riding motorcycles, Here are the top three things anyone can purchase and carry in the car that make motorcycles invisible:

1. Cell phone. This works best at making motorcycles invisible when held up to the face while driving.

2. Cup a' joe. Like #1, this makes motorcycles invisible when held up to the face, but works best when its not in the cupholder the driver thinks it's in.

3. I-pod or car radio. Fumble or adjust your music while driving and, viola', motorcycles (and everything else outside the car) becomes invisible.

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