The author rides a 2008 Victory Vision Tour

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Motorcycle along Clark County's Scenic Drive

Today was a good morning to motorcycle along parts of Clark County's Scenic Drive, having lucked out with a dry Saturday morning before several days of rain scheduled to hit this area.This route takes you through several parks and rural areas, along rivers and by waterfalls, and past the rustic Cedar Creek Grist Mill. The route is marked with blue signs and loops through Battle Ground, Yacolt, La Center and Ridgefield. Don't forget to stop at Lava Java, the finest coffee shop on the west coast.


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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Invisible Motorcycle

"I didn't see you" are the words most likely spoken by the driver of a car that cuts you off, pulls in front of you, or otherwise knocks you and your motorcycle to the pavement. People don't generally do that sort of thing intentionally: They must have some special equipment in the car that temporarily blinds them. After years of riding motorcycles, Here are the top three things anyone can purchase and carry in the car that make motorcycles invisible:

1. Cell phone. This works best at making motorcycles invisible when held up to the face while driving.

2. Cup a' joe. Like #1, this makes motorcycles invisible when held up to the face, but works best when its not in the cupholder the driver thinks it's in.

3. I-pod or car radio. Fumble or adjust your music while driving and, viola', motorcycles (and everything else outside the car) becomes invisible.

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Who needs an excuse (to motorcycle) ?

Today was one of those February days when you are glad you motorcycle in the Pacific Northwest. It was sunny and felt warmer than the 57 degrees reported by the big sign on the bank. Days like this, when you know colder, wetter days are coming, I get out and ride for no other reason than carpe diem(CD).
But I did have an excuse: Meeting a friend for coffee at Lava Java (the best coffee shop in southwest Washington). So I motorcycled out there, slurped a latte, and zipped back home. Total riding time - about an hour. Total miles: 28 twisty scenic sunny day (s)miles!
Reminds me of CD rides when I lived in Alaska. A beautiful day comes along, and so I think I'll go fill up the gas tank on the motorcycle. "Be right back" I said to the woman who lets me live with her (thanks Mike Doogan). Deal was I lived in Anchorage and my favorite gas station was in Girdwood 40 miles away. "That's OK", she said, "You probably didn't wanna mix the old gas with the new anyway...."

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Friday, February 20, 2009

The 503 loop by motorcycle

Don't worry. I did NOT motorcycle to work this morning. 35 degrees at the weather station means 27 degrees on the bridge over the river near my house, maybe even lower. That means frost on the pavement and THAT means take the car.

I did take a motorcycle ride this afternoon after work. Sunny and 52 degrees and too good to pass up! The route was the 503 loop, one of my favorite rides since it's close to home and scenic. Start out in Woodland and take SR 503 south. It follows along the Lewis River with sweeping turns and open views (since there's a lot of farms in the area) of the surrounding hills . Eventually the road climbs into the foothills and thicker woods, past Lake Merwin to Yale. Winter is a good motorcycling time for this road since the leaves are off the trees opening up views to and across the lake, much more open than in summer.

At Yale, SR 503 takes a 90degree turn towards Amboy. The three miles after Yale climb steeply, 20mph and even 15mph turns up and over a ridge before winding down to the Lewis River and across a one-lane bridge. Ride up the hill on the other side and six more miles of picturesque motorcycling brings you to Amboy. From here SR503 gets gradually smoother, wider and faster. Soon you're comfortably motoring 55mph towards Battle Ground. Turn right on 299th and left on 82nd and you find yourself corkscrewing down to Daybreak Park on the East Fork Lewis River, a premier steelhead water.

A right on 259th, right on 10th and quick left on 5th and you are ...(trumpet fanfare...) at Lava Java! (See Feb. 10th post) After one of their exquisite latte's backtrack to 10th and turn left. This takes you to La Center and the backroads route to Woodland along NW Pacific Highway. Close to Portland, Oregon, this is another classic pacific northwest motorcycle road; a comfortable two-hour ride plus coffee stops.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pushing Spring motorcycling

I know it's still winter. I know spring will be here soon enough and more motorcycle riding is just around the corner. But I'm considering breaking my mantra of no motorcycling in the morning until it climbs out of the 30s. This morning the road appeared dry all the way in to work, even though there was a little ground fog in the low spots and official low temps went below freezing. I'm wondering if it would be safe to motorcycle to work tomorrow morning, or if a patch of frosty pavement will find me and make me pay for being impatient. Read more!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Requiem for a motorcycling company

The realization that this economic slump is indeed deepening hit me hard the other day when I visited the website of one of my favorite motorcycle companies, This outfit had been making heated clothing for motorcycle riders since the '70s. I own a set of their heated gloves and a heated vest, and have mentioned them in other posts. Their products were pricey but worth every penny; their customer service was always friendly and prompt; and to this day their stuff continues to add to my motorcycling enjoyment. I was saddened to see the banner at the top of the home page, Thanks for the Memories...1971-2009. Widder Enterprises, sad to see you go. Read more!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Winter motorcycling

In the Northwest, if you don't get out in cool weather you don't motorcycle much at all. I love my heated gloves and vest: they keep me toasty on those days in December and February when it's beautiful out but only around 50 degrees F. Next motorcycle is gonna have heated grips I think...

I want to pick up motorcycle commuting to work again as soon as its comfortably above freezing in the early morning. I rode daily until early December, but then the snows came and...back into the steel cage commute. Spring is on the way, and its tempting to motorcycle to work again. I've got a 24 mile commute each way, and cruising on two wheels to and from work is way better for my psyche. The afternoons have been into the 50s which is plenty comfortable with my cold-weather motorcycle gear. BUT, the mornings: I don't want to mess with coming across some frosty pavement as I lean into a turn, just not worth the risk.

Lava Java. Went out for an hour motorcycling excursion last Saturday. Sunny and beautiful out, but barely into the 50s. After about 40 minutes I was still warm, but my partner was ready for some hot coffee. That's what excursions end up being for me most of the time in the winter: Taking the long way to my favorite coffee shop. Read more!

No motorcycle ride today (again). Need humor...

Snow again! Aaaaargh! Quick! Need more humor! Send in the E*Trade baby Read more!

No motorcycle ride today. Need humor...

Snow flurries today. Can you believe it? At least we have more time to laugh... Read more!